Moon Signs up to Age-friendly Employer Pledge


We’re delighted to announce that Moon Executive Search has officially become an Age-friendly Employer. The Age-friendly Employer Pledge, set up by the Centre for Ageing Better, calls on employers to be welcoming of older workers. 

Multigenerational workforces drive productivity and innovation, yet many organisations are missing out on the skills and experience older workers can offer. More people are working later in life, but older workers often face prejudice and are overlooked. 

We’re proud to become a part of this pledge, as it aligns with the core values underpinning all our work at Moon. 

It’s crucial to recognise the importance of older workers right now. The job sector is facing a national shortage of skills and labour, costing UK businesses £6.6 billion per year. Workers in their 50s and 60s are  fundamental to filling these gaps, and have so much to bring to the workplace. 

The pledge is a commitment for employers to: 

  • Recognise the importance and value of older workers.

  • Commit to improving work for people in their 50s, 60s and beyond. 

  • Take action to help older workers flourish in a multigenerational workforce.

Age-friendly employment benefits all of us. Nobody wants to be marginalised as they age. Equity and Fairness are in our DNA at Moon Executive Search. We’re dedicated to treating everyone equally as we strive to connect great leaders with great opportunities. 
Find out more about the Age-Friendly Employer Pledge.


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